House figures:

Total members (with years of service data):  223
Total years of service: 4043
Average years of service ALL: 18.1
Average years of service YES: 18.9
Average years of service Excused: 12
Average years of service NO: 12

House Monthly Annuity Totals (information available for 118 recipients): $395,447

House Monthly Annuity Average per Recipient: $3,351

House Lump Sum Totals (information available for 106 recipients):  $10,941,683

House Lump Sum Average per Recipient: $103,223

2011-2012 Per Diem Expenditures: $3.9 million (Source: Trib Live)

2011-2012 Salaries and Benefits: $228 million (Source: PA Independent)


Senate figures:

Total members (with years of service data): 49
Total years of service: 1,175
Average years of service ALL: 23.98
Average years of service ALL: 23.98
Average years of service YES: 24.1
Average years of service NO: 23.1

Senate Monthly Annuity Totals (information available for 20 recipients):  $93,119

Senate Monthly Annuity Average per Recipient: $4,656 

Senate Lump Sum Totals (information available for 13 recipients):  $2,180,205

Senate Lump Sum Average per Recipient: $167,708



Yes Votes
No Votes


Comic by Gabriela Epstein