The PHEAA board meeting, 03.19.2020, underwent changes related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

PHEAA legal counsel determined that public attendees could not make use of the conference call line. Instead, members of the public wishing to attend were required to travel to the closed PHEAA facility. Rock the Capital attended at the onsite conference room to record the session in the interest of openness, transparency, and continuity.

The board discussed a number of issues that impact Pennsylvania residents directly.

  • The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak and its impact on PHEAA operations.
  • PHEAA does not have the power or ability to adjust, modify, or forgive loans.
  • Grants for non-compliant grant-holders converted to loans.
  • Discussions for planned 2021 spending placed on hold pending events of the next few months.

The entirety of the PHEAA board meeting, 03.19.2020, follows.

For more information on the impact of the remote meeting and the hoops through which the public had to jump to attend, please see this article.