Senator John DiSanto of Pennsylvania’s 15th District (Dauphin and Perry Counties) provides information for COVID-19 assistance for businesses. This information comes from Senator’s latest COVID-update.

Wolf Orders Shutdown of Non-Life-Sustaining Businesses; Appeals Process Established

On Thursday evening, Governor Wolf ordered the closure of all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania. A list of business types that would be affected by this order is available at

I joined Senate leaders in raising concerns about some of the unforeseen problems that could arise from his order and how this measure could impact small businesses. The response from Senate Republican leaders is available here.

As a result of these concerns, the Wolf Administration announced a waiver process for any company that believes they should be considered a life-sustaining-business. Business owners can apply for a waiver at this email address: Business owners can address questions about whether they need to close by emailing

Businesses and non-profits who have suffered economic losses during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak can consider applying for low-interest loans through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Additional information is available by contacting SBA’s disaster assistance customer service center by calling 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) or e-mailing

I will continue to work with my colleagues in the General Assembly and the Wolf Administration to find ways to help businesses and employees who have been impacted by coronavirus mitigation measures.

Help for Businesses & Employees Affected by Governor’s Mandated Closures

If you need more information on COVID-19 assistance for businesses, please contact Rock the Capital directly.

For further updates on COVID-19 and other critical issues affecting our state, please visit our home page.